Welcome. This site serves as a place to gather it all together! If you have come to find me - thank you! Where do my roles intersect? As a Real Estate Broker over the last twenty years (and ideally another twenty more) I have been present to help many legally seal their decisions so my additional role, as officiant, feels very familiar. And I was born a writer - happy to now be able to send my words out into the world. I write real estate-related articles and ceremonies and I continue to write fiction usually around my great love - the visual arts.

The Novel - 'Practise of Her Profession' Set in Hamilton

I wrote a novel based in Hamilton entitled 'Practise of Her Profession'.  I hope you enjoy it! 

Available locally at 
James Street Bookseller in Hamilton   or 
The Different Drummer Bookstore in Burlington 
Or on Amazon as a paper book or an ebook. 

bettiannehedges@gmail.com.  Instagram @xbettianne

Kay Lange, a fine arts dealer, has left her position and comfortable life in Montreal to establish a gallery in a beautiful building on the harbour in Hamilton, Ontario. As she follows a dream of independence in her career, she hopes to define herself to and deepen her relationship with her son. Kay’s building soon reveals a sad past and a cast of characters with little interest in her vision. It forces her to examine issues of gentrification, cultural appropriation, the systemic challenges facing a creative entrepreneur and accept that her own life will not be linear. And as we follow along we learn to look and listen for the story in every painting, to learn how the visual arts provide a sense of place and how creatives pave the path to reviving community.

This is the first book from Bettianne Hedges. She has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Waterloo and continues to study writing. She works as a Real Estate Broker in Hamilton and helps her clients deal with many of the same challenges as her protagonist Kay Lange.  Bettianne is also involved in the visual arts as a gallery volunteer and collector.